RBC Rewards (Avion Points) Conversion Rate to Canadian Dollars - 0.7 to 2 CPP

RBC has different credit cards with various travel points system. They have from WestJet cards, to British Airways to their own Reward System. The best ROI that you can get for your RBC Rewards is through getting an Avion card. There is a not annual fee RBC Rewards+ Card as well. However, the latter is getting you points slower, half the time.

In Short:
  • Dollar Value of 1 RBC Rewards point - 0.007$ to 0.02$ 
    • CPP1 for RBC Rewards (0.7 to 2)
  • Points Best Used For: Travel (redeemed with Avion Card)
  • Option to Convert Points to Westjet Points and Hudson Bay Points
  • Business Card Available

Value for Travel - Avion

You can redeem 65,000 pts to visit Europe for up to maximum of 1300 dollars. That gives you 0.2 cents dollar value for 1 reward value. This is only if you have Avion though.

Value for Travel - RBC Rewards

If you are not an Avioner, you can redeem 100 points for 1 dollar. This gives you 0.1 cents dollar value for each point.

Value for Gift Card

You can also redeem your points for gift cards. Typically you can have 10$ for 1400 points which converts to 0.7 cents dollar value per points redeemed. You can always look for promotions as well. As you can see there is a 25$ for 2500 which gives you 1 cents dollar value per points redeemed.

Value for Pay Your Credit Card

You can redeem 14332 points for 100 dollar. This gives you 0.7 cents dollar value for each point.
